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Scene Understanding

Extension introduction

XR_MSFT_scene_understanding demonstrates configuring, calculating, and generating meshes of surrounding environments.

Supported Platforms and devices

Platform Headset Supported Plugin Version
PC PC Streaming Focus 3/XR Elite/Focus Vision X
Pure PC Vive Cosmos V 2.0.0 and above
Vive Pro series V 2.0.0 and above
AIO Focus 3/XR Elite/Focus Vision X

Enable Plugins

  1. Edit > Plugins > Search for OpenXR and ViveOpenXR, and make sure they are enabled.
  2. Note that the " SteamVR " and " OculusVR " plugin must be disabled for OpenXR to work.
  3. Restart the engine for changes to take effect.

How to use OpenXR Scene Understanding Unreal Feature

  1. Make sure ViveOpenXR is enabled.
  2. Edit > Project Settings > Plugins > Vive OpenXR > Click Enable Scene Understanding under Scene Understanding to enable OpenXR Scene Understanding extension.
  3. Restart the engine to apply new settings after clicking Enable Scene Understanding .
  4. For the available SceneUnderstanding functions, please refer to ViveOpenXRSceneUnderstandingFunctionLibrary.cpp.
  5. Type Scene Understanding to get the Scene Understanding blueprint functions your content needs.
    1. Clear Scene Compute Bounds

      Use this function to clear the Compute Bounds when end playing.

    2. Is Scene Understanding Enabled

      Use this function to check if Scene Understanding extension is enabled.

    3. Set Mesh Compute Lod

      Use this function to adjust how detailed your compute mesh will be generated.

    4. Set Scene Compute Consistency

      Use this function to decide different scene compute consistencies that may be passed.
      More details on OpenXR specification: The OpenXR™ Specification (

    5. Set Scene Compute Frustum Bound

      Use this function to adjust the pose, the field of view, and the far distance of frustum bounds.
      More details on OpenXR specification: The OpenXR™ Specification (

    6. Set Scene Compute Oriented Box Bound

      Use this function to adjust the pose and extent of an oriented box bounds.

    7. Set Scene Compute Sphere Bound

      Use this function to adjust the center and radius of a sphere bounds.

  6. Find the blueprint sample BP_SceneUnderstanding under Content > SceneUnderstanding > Blueprints .

  7. Show Scene Understanding scanned mesh in the game
    1. Right-click on the Content Browser to create an AR Session .

      The AR-related content needs to be set here because the OpenXR Scene Understanding uses OpenXRARTrackedGeometry to make the scanned meshes appear in the level.

    2. Next, on the following popup window Pick Class For Data Asset Instance , select ARSessionConfig .

    3. Open ARSessionConfig and enable “ Generate Mesh Data from Tracked Geometry ” and “ Generate Collision for Mesh Data ” under Details Panel > AR Settings > World Mapping.

    4. Open Level Blueprint and add Start AR Session and Stop AR Session.

      Remember to set the “ ARSessionConfig ” as input to Start AR Session.

    5. Back to the Content Browser right click to create a Blueprint Class, this will be the Scene Understanding control .

      Next, on the following popup window ” Pick Parent Class “ , select Actor .

      Named it BP_ SceneUnderstanding.

    6. Place the BP_ SceneUnderstanding you just created on the Scene Understanding Map .

    7. Open up the BP_ SceneUnderstanding , on the left side Components panel, press the Add button to add a Cube Static Mesh Component for Set Scene Compute Oriented Box Bounds .

      Name it Cube_bound.

    8. Next, add ARTrackableNotify Component in Components panel .

    9. Add a new variable and name it “ spatialMeshes ” with type “ ARTrackedGeometry Array ” in My Blueprint .

    10. Add a function and name it “ StartSpatialMapping ” in My Blueprint In this function, we need to call “ Toggle ARCapture ” function and set input “ On Off ” bool to true and “ Capture Type ” to Spatial Mapping.

    11. Add a function and name it “ StopSpatialMapping ” in My Blueprint In this function, we need to call “ Toggle ARCapture ” function and set input “ On Off ” bool to false and “ Capture Type” to Spatial Mapping .

    12. Add some functions that affect the quality and area of the scanned mesh.
    13. On Add/Remove Tracked Geometry (ARTrackableNotify) , these two Events control the number of mesh currently scanned.

    14. You can get the current Spatial Meshes and Set Material on them using Event Tick .
    15. Call Stop Spatial Mapping function and clear the bound you use at the beginning.

Play the sample map

  1. Make sure the OpenXR Scene Understanding extension is enabled, the setting is in Edit > Project Settings > Plugins > Vive OpenXR .
  2. The sample map is under Content > SceneUnderstanding > Map .
  3. Sample map controls.
    Grip: Shoot balls to overlap OpenXR scene understanding snapshot mesh.
    Trigger: Spawn a green ball at the hit point of the line trace.
    Keyboard A or Keyboard S: Switch OpenXR scene understanding snapshot mesh's start spatial mapping / stop spatial mapping.
  4. Start playing the SceneUnderstanding map, you will see analyze objects in context with respect to the 3D structure of the scene, its layout, and the spatial, functional, and semantic relationships between objects, try to press the grip button and the trigger button to shoot balls and lasers and hit OpenXR scene understanding snapshot mesh.

    Note: White area indicates that meshes represent the real-environment objects while black area shows no objects in the space.