OpenXR for Mobile for Unreal Engine:
Please Accept the License Agreement to Download (OpenXR)
Please Accept the License Agreement to Download (OpenXR)
1.0.0 (June 20, 2022):
Release information:
▪ Version: 1.0.0
▪ Unity Engine version: 2020.3, 2021.3
▪ Editor platform: Windows
▪ Target platform: Android ( arm64 only )
▪ Graphics API: OpenGLES3, Vulkan
▪ OpenXR Loader version: Khronos openxr_loader_for_android-1.0.20
Supported features:
▪ Basics: HMD tracking pose and XR rendering.
▪ Interaction: Controller tracking pose, key input, and haptics.
▪ Wave OpenXR plugin will insert the following data into a AndroidManifest to comply the OpenXR Android definition.
▪ Intent filter category: "org.khronos.openxr.intent.category.IMMERSIVE_HMD".
▪ User permission: "org.khronos.openxr.permission.OPENXR_SYSTEM" and "org.khronos.openxr.permission.OPENXR".
For more details: Documentation