using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Viveport;
/** Language: C# */
public class ViveportDemo : MonoBehaviour
static string VIVEPORT_ID = "VIVEPORT ID of the content";
static string VIVEPORT_KEY = "VIVEPORT Key of the content";
static string LaunchAPPID = "VIVEPORT ID you want to launch"; // the VIVEPORT ID of the content you would like go to
static string LaunchStoreAPPID = "VIVEPORT ID you want to launch"; // the VIVEPORT ID of the content you would like go to
static string LaunchData = "LaunchData"; // the launchdata of the content you would like go to
const int SUCCESS = 0;
void Start()
Api.Init(InitStatusHandler, VIVEPORT_ID); // initialize VIVEPORT platform
void OnDestroy()
Api.Shutdown(ShutdownHandler); // release resource and teaddown the sdk service
private static void InitStatusHandler(int nResult) // the callback of Api.init()
if (nResult == SUCCESS)
Api.GetLicense(new MyLicenseChecker(), VIVEPORT_ID, VIVEPORT_KEY); // the response of Api.Init() is success, go on using Api.GetLicense() API
return; // the response of Api.Init() is fail, could go error handling flow of content
private static void ShutdownHandler(int nResult) // the callback of Api.Shutdown()
if (nResult == SUCCESS)
Application.Quit(); // the response of Api.Shutdown() is success, close the content
return; // the response of Api.Shutdown() is fail, could go error handling flow of content and close the content.
class MyLicenseChecker : Api.LicenseChecker
public override void OnSuccess(long issueTime, long expirationTime, int latestVersion, bool updateRequired)
Debug.Log("issueTime: " + issueTime);
Debug.Log("expirationTime: " + expirationTime); // the response of Api.GetLicense() is success, user is allowed to use the content and keep going on the content flow.
public override void OnFailure(int errorCode, string errorMessage)
// Application.Quit(); // the response of Api.GetLicense() is fail, user is not allowed to use the content, and could go error handling flow of content
// do some error flow fo content
private static void IsReadyHandler(int nResult)
if (nResult == SUCCESS)
Debug.Log("VIVEPORT Deeplink.IsReady pass");
// could use below 1 or 2 or combine API to go the the content or store detail page
// 1. Deeplink.GoToApp(DeeplinkHandler, LaunchAPPID, LaunchData); // if DRM is success, go to the content you'd like to go.
// 2. Deeplink.GoToStore(DeeplinkHandler, LaunchStoreAPPID); // if DRM is success, go to the content detail page of the store.
Deeplink.GoToAppOrGoToStore(DeeplinkHandler, LaunchStoreAPPID, LaunchData);
// could use below 1 or 2 or combine API to go the the content or store detail page
// 1. Deeplink.GoToApp(new MyDeeplinkChecker(), LaunchAPPID, LaunchData); // if DRM is success, go to the content you'd like to go.
// 2. Deeplink.GoToStore(new MyDeeplinkChecker(), LaunchStoreAPPID); // if DRM is success, go to the content detail page of the store.
Deeplink.GoToAppOrGoToStore(new MyDeeplinkChecker(), LaunchStoreAPPID, LaunchData); // if DRM is success, use the API to automatically check to go to content of store detail page.
Debug.Log("VIVEPORT Deeplink.IsReady fail"); // the response of Deeplink.IsReady() is fail
private static void DeeplinkHandler(int errorCode, string message)
if (errorCode == 0)
MainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(() => {
Debug.Log("Deeplink is successful");
MainThreadDispatcher.Instance().Enqueue(() => {
Debug.Log("Deeplink errorCode : " + errorCode + " ErrorMessage : " + message);
class MyDeeplinkChecker : Deeplink.DeeplinkChecker
public override void OnSuccess()
Debug.Log("Deeplink is successful"); // Deeplink is success, don't need to do anything for the event.
public override void OnFailure(int errorCode, string errorMessage)
Debug.Log("Deeplink is failure ErrorCode : " + errorCode + "ErrorMessage : " + errorMessage); // Deeplink is fail, to check if it is a network issue.