Subscription data
Name | Required | Type | Description |
app_id | Yes | string | App ID |
order_id | Yes | string |
Unique order ID generated by client. If empty, shows
subscription_id | Yes | string | Subscription ID |
price | Yes | string | Total price |
currency | Yes | string | Currency code |
subscribed_timestamp | No | long | Subscription start in Unix time |
free_trial_period | No | Time Period | Free trial period (if applicable). See Time Period |
charge_period | Yes | Time Period | Charge period. See Time Period |
number_of_charge_period | Yes | long | Maximum number of charge periods |
plan_id | Yes | string | Subscription plan id |
plan_name | No | string | Subscription plan name(optional) |
user_data | No | string | A dev-definted string that will be returned when request is paid successfully |
status | Yes | string |
Subscription status:
status_detail | No | Status Detail | Subscription status, see Status Detail |
Time Period
Name | Required | Type | Description |
time_type | Yes | string |
value | Yes | int | value must be greater than 0 |
Status Detail
Name | Required | Type | Description |
data_next_charge | No | long | Date of next charge in Unix time |
transactions | No | List of Status Detail Transaction | See Status Detail Transaction |
cancel_reason | No | string | Reason for cancellation, see StatusDetail |
Status Detail Transaction
Name | Required | Type | Description |
create_time | Yes | long | Creation time in Unix time |
payment_method | Yes | string |
Payment method: currently defaults to
status | Yes | string |