Unreal 2.1.0 (September 27, 2023):
OpenXR for
Unreal Engine 5.1
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OpenXR for
Unreal Engine 5.2
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OpenXR for
Unreal Engine 5.3
Please Accept the License Agreement to Download (OpenXR)
Please Accept the License Agreement to Download (OpenXR)
Release Notes
Release Information:
- Version: 2.1.0
- Unreal Engine Version: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
- Target Platform: PC Win64, Android arm64
- Target Device: VIVE XR Elite, VIVE Focus 3, VIVE Pro Series, VIVE Cosmos
- Graphics API: DX11, DX12, Vulkan
- OpenXR Android Loader Version: Khronos openxr_loader_for_android-1.0.26
- Wrist Tracker supports Motion Controller Component.
- Wrist Tracker input key names are modified to match with blueprint API.
- Added support for Display Refresh Rate.
Known Issues:
- The grip pose of HandInteraction on VIVE Focus 3 may chaotically drift due to pose prediction. It will be fixed in the future depending on the runtime upgrade of devices.
- Wrist Tracker feature will be supported for PC streaming in the coming Vive Streaming release.