OpenXR Spec-Based API
VIVE OpenXR Plugin provides common API interfaces. Some APIs are following the Khronos Official specifications and others are plugin-dependent but more convenient for use.
For more VIVE OpenXR - API information, please visit [Unity] VIVE OpenXR - API Reference.
Hand Tracking
Official APIs
NOTE: All official (Khronos) APIs provided by VIVE OpenXR Plugin provide XrSession by default so you don't have to fill the XrSession.
- xrCreateHandTrackerEXT: An application can create an XrHandTrackerEXT handle using xrCreateHandTrackerEXT function.
- xrDestroyHandTrackerEXT: xrDestroyHandTrackerEXT function releases the handTracker and the underlying resources when finished with hand tracking experiences.
- xrLocateHandJointsEXT: The xrLocateHandJointsEXT function locates an array of hand joints to a base space at given time.
Plugin Dependent API
- GetJointLocations: A convenient function to retrieve the left/right hand joint location data. By using GetJointLocations function you don't have to use Hand Tracking Official APIs.
Facial Tracking
Official APIs
NOTE: All official (Khronos) APIs provided by VIVE OpenXR Plugin provide XrSession by default so you don't have to fill the XrSession.
- xrCreateFacialTrackerHTC: An application creates separate XrFacialTrackerHTC handles for eye tracker or lip tracker. This handle can be used to retrieve corresponding facial expressions using xrGetFacialExpressionsHTC function.
- xrDestroyFacialTrackerHTC: xrDestroyFacialTrackerHTC releases the facialTracker and the underlying resources when finished with facial tracking experiences.
- xrGetFacialExpressionsHTC: xrGetFacialExpressionsHTC retrieves an array of values of blend shapes for a facial expression on a given time.
Plugin Dependent API
- GetExpressionWeightings: Retrieves an array of values of blend shapes for a facial expression on a given time. By using GetExpressionWeightings function you don't have to use Facial Tracking Official APIs.
Path Enumeration
Official APIs
NOTE: All official (Khronos) APIs provided by VIVE OpenXR Plugin provide XrSession by default so you don't have to fill the XrSession.
- xrEnumeratePathsForInteractionProfileHTC: xrEnumeratePathsForInteractionProfileHTC get the user paths and input/output source paths associated with an interaction profile of XR device that the runtime has supported.
Plugin Dependent API
- GetUserPaths: This function gets the user paths associated with an interaction profile of XR device that the runtime has supported.
- GetInputPathsWithUserPath: This function gets the input/output source paths associated with an interaction profile of XR device that the runtime has supported.
- PathToString: This function retrieves retrieves the path name string associated with an XrPath. By using PathToString function you don't have to use xrPathToString.
- StringToPath: This function retrieves retrieves the XrPath value for a well-formed path string. By using StringToPath function you don't have to use xrStringToPath.
Eye Tracker
Official APIs
NOTE: All official (Khronos) APIs provided by VIVE OpenXR Plugin provide XrSession by default so you don't have to fill the XrSession.
- xrCreateEyeTrackerHTC: An application creates an XrEyeTrackerHTC handle using xrCreateEyeTrackerHTC function.This handle is used for getting eye tracking related data using xrGetEyeGazesHTC, xrGetPupilDatasHTC and xrGetEyeGeometricDatasHTC function.
- xrDestroyEyeTrackerHTC: xrDestroyEyeTrackerHTC function releases the eyeTracker and the underlying resources when the eye tracking experience is over.
- xrGetEyeGazeDataHTC: The xrGetEyeGazeDataHTC function obtains pose for a user’s eyes at a specific time and within a specific coordinate system.
- xrGetEyePupilDataHTC: The xrGetEyePupilDataHTC function obtains pupil data.
- xrGetEyeGeometricDataHTC: The xrGetEyeGeometricDataHTC function obtains geometric eye data such as openness of the eye.
Plugin Dependent API
- GetEyeGazeData: A convenient function to retrieve an array of eye gaze data.
- GetEyePupilData: A convenient function to retrieve an array of pupil data data.
- GetEyeGeometricData: A convenient function to retrieve an array of geometric data data.