Accessibility Design for XR Developers
As a founding member of the
XR Association
, HTC (along with founding XRA members Meta,, Google, Microsoft, Sony) has participated in promoting responsible development and thoughtful advancement of XR that fosters positive societal outcomes. Through community, advocacy and leadership. XRA has published research and best practice guidelines for XR developers. The latest XRA developers guide focuses on accesibility and inclusive design and is available here:
XRA’S DEVELOPERS GUIDE, CHAPTER THREE: Accessibility & Inclusive Design in Immersive Experiences

The importance of accessibility and inclusivity when designing and developing XR experiences should be a significant consideration for all XR developers and we will be featuring additional resources for developers to address the many aspects of accessibility and inclusivity which include permanent disabilities such as vision and hearing loss, mental, cognitive, intellectual disabilities or physical disabilities — as well as temporary or situational limitations.
Learn how to add captioning for the hearing impaired and for those who wish to experience XR without sound in our
Accessibility Tutorials
. We highly recommend this for every project.